Fun Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy

Hear how other moms broke the thrilling news from individual cakes to custom poetry



Want any interesting ways to split your family's baby news?


There are plenty of imaginative possibilities. We have taken this to our users—the here's following:



Proud Granda


"I've got an older sister who's got a son now. My mother said at a big family dinner, 'Ok, I'm going to be a grandmother again! 'They turned to my sister any one (Aunts, Uncles and cousins) and called out their name. She shook her head no, and they turned and asked "You're pregnant?" — vagirl06 "



Let Your Clothes Do the Talking


"For my family: for my seven-month-old daughter, I made a one-sie saying, 'My cousin! 'Family of my husband: On Easter, I wore a tank of motherhood, which said 'I am Baby.' Everybody was too embarrassed to question me, so I said of his mother, 'I see you staring at my t-shirt. You can say nothing.' And she was all excited and she said to me that she may think I was wearing a shirt just because I thought this was adorable or something.'



Family Dinner Announcement


"We have been preparing for Easter and had dinner with the entire family on both sides. My husband requested that everyone hold his hands before dinner so that he could say thanks. We all were grateful for how many items he began and completed the list with an additional family: we anticipated it. The family was so excited, it was a fantastic meal."



A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Words


"After returning from the OB at week 9, I told my parents. Though I had a sonogram in my purse, I had chosen not to tell them for another three week. "So what's happening with your testing?" My mother asked. Didn't you want to do this? 'I grinned and threw out the picture of the sonogram. They were also stunned! — Richard& Ingrid



Sharing Secrets One-on-One


"I had to personally reassure family members it was neat because everyone had their own day. I told my 15-year-old sister best. The best stuff. In fact, I went out to take her out of the cheer and she was ecstatic! It was an utter blow to us but surely it made all our families happy."



A Sweet Announcement


"We have gone to my in-laws to visit the birthday of my husband just a few days out from the birthday of his brother. I baked a cake with the babies of King Cake and decorated it. I wrote on the cake 'Happy Birthday Uncle A and Papa A.' My husband asked my baby's mother to cut and serve. She said how good the babies were and she read the email. But after a minute she asked, "Are you waiting for?" She was so lost. " — The Leathery'



Candid Camera


"We made the photo community announcement for our colleagues. My husband got us all together into a group of friends and made photographs of him with several cameras of my friends. It goes with the camera, the camera 'Say cheese...,' the next camera 'Say cheese...,' and then the camera with its own camera, 'Say xyz pregnant.' It was said by everybody, and smiled... but then it got in, and we could still catch the response of everyone! "—Away Run"



Framed and Filmed


"At 6 weeks, 4 days we had an ultrasound. We had a sonogram image, so we were scanning and printing out copies for each incoming grandmother. We apologised for the presents, then presented each one in a baby frame with the sonogram. We had my digital camera ready as well, which also shot secretly a film, so we recorded everything for our newspaper! "—PG at last "



Pure Poetry


“For my parents, we told them the night before their anniversary with a poem I wrote for them from the baby. My dad got it after the second line and my mom read the whole thing then looked at me crying. — fairytalebride5


You can also take your 3d ultrasound images and surprise!!!